Div 1: Division Stats

Win Percentages
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Jacqueline Cox 5 5 100.00
2 Terry Brookes 1 1 100.00
3 Kim Duffecy 9 10 90.00
4 Julie Scott 7 8 87.50
5 Raelene Marriott 6 7 85.71
6 Therese Kenny 5 6 83.33
6 Katy Scott 5 6 83.33
8 Samantha Kent 4 5 80.00
9 Aliviya Arends 6 8 75.00
10 Prue O'Neill 5 7 71.43
11 Michelle Doyle 7 10 70.00
12 Anne Holder 5 9 55.56
13 Margaret Reilly 6 11 54.55
14 Katie Weir 2 4 50.00
15 Barbara Rose 1 2 50.00
15 Tomoko McLean 1 2 50.00
17 Chantelle Garrett 3 7 42.86
17 Quita Cass 3 7 42.86
19 Kerry Maher 3 8 37.50
20 Anne Andrews 3 9 33.33
21 Lyn Chandler 2 7 28.57
21 Kay Brooks 2 7 28.57
23 Sydney Ennis 2 9 22.22
23 Marina Leather 2 9 22.22
23 Liana Gunzburg 2 9 22.22
26 Desley Wimbridge 2 11 18.18
27 Christine Elkington 1 9 11.11
28 Lauren Hogan 0 4 0.00
29 Kelly Baroni 0 1 0.00
29 Nicky Carosella 0 1 0.00
29 Bev Harmer 0 1 0.00
End of Season SportyHQ Ratings
# Name End of Season Rating
1 Katy Scott 999
2 Raelene Marriott 997
3 Prue O'Neill 988
4 Tomoko McLean 899
5 Christine Elkington 865
6 Sydney Ennis 862
7 Therese Kenny 798
8 Samantha Kent 786
9 Barbara Rose 783
10 Terry Brookes 777
11 Julie Scott 773
12 Michelle Doyle 758
13 Quita Cass 751
14 Kelly Baroni 746
15 Liana Gunzburg 708
16 Anne Andrews 704
16 Bev Harmer 704
18 Chantelle Garrett 699
19 Kerry Maher 693
20 Marina Leather 692
21 Kim Duffecy 679
22 Anne Holder 661
23 Katie Weir 647
24 Lyn Chandler 640
25 Kay Brooks 614
26 Margaret Reilly 596
27 Aliviya Arends 591
28 Jacqueline Cox 570
29 Desley Wimbridge 547
30 Lauren Hogan 518
31 Nicky Carosella 483
All Star Team
Best lineup with at least 4 matches played.
# Name Win % Wins Losses
1 Raelene Marriott 85.71 6 1
2 Therese Kenny 83.33 5 1
3 Julie Scott 85.71 6 1
4 Kim Duffecy 88.89 8 1
5 Jacqueline Cox 100.00 5 0
Best Win % When Lower Ranked
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Chantelle Garrett 1 1 100.00
1 Katy Scott 1 1 100.00
3 Kim Duffecy 3 4 75.00
4 Aliviya Arends 3 5 60.00
5 Kerry Maher 3 7 42.86
6 Anne Andrews 3 8 37.50
7 Kay Brooks 2 7 28.57
8 Liana Gunzburg 2 9 22.22
9 Quita Cass 1 5 20.00
10 Sydney Ennis 1 7 14.29
11 Christine Elkington 1 8 12.50
12 Desley Wimbridge 1 10 10.00
13 Marina Leather 5 0.00
14 Lyn Chandler 4 0.00
14 Lauren Hogan 4 0.00
16 Anne Holder 3 0.00
16 Michelle Doyle 3 0.00
18 Prue O'Neill 2 0.00
19 Samantha Kent 1 0.00
19 Kelly Baroni 1 0.00
19 Nicky Carosella 1 0.00
19 Tomoko McLean 1 0.00
19 Therese Kenny 1 0.00
19 Margaret Reilly 1 0.00
Rating Variations
# Name Start End +/- Change
1 Kim Duffecy 637 679 42
2 Sydney Ennis 828 862 34
3 Aliviya Arends 560 591 31
4 Therese Kenny 777 798 21
5 Desley Wimbridge 530 547 17
6 Katy Scott 982 999 17
7 Anne Andrews 696 704 8
8 Kerry Maher 685 693 8
9 Liana Gunzburg 701 708 7
10 Prue O'Neill 981 988 7
11 Samantha Kent 781 786 5
12 Terry Brookes 773 777 4
13 Anne Holder 660 661 1
14 Julie Scott 772 773 1
15 Tomoko McLean 899 899 0
16 Kelly Baroni 748 746 -2
17 Christine Elkington 868 865 -3
18 Jacqueline Cox 573 570 -3
19 Chantelle Garrett 703 699 -4
20 Marina Leather 697 692 -5
21 Margaret Reilly 602 596 -6
22 Michelle Doyle 767 758 -9
23 Lauren Hogan 528 518 -10
23 Katie Weir 657 647 -10
25 Nicky Carosella 494 483 -11
26 Barbara Rose 799 783 -16
27 Bev Harmer 720 704 -16
28 Quita Cass 768 751 -17
29 Lyn Chandler 659 640 -19
30 Raelene Marriott 1019 997 -22
31 Kay Brooks 638 614 -24
Loss Percentages
# Name Lost Played Loss %
1 Lauren Hogan 4 4 100.00
2 Kelly Baroni 1 1 100.00
2 Nicky Carosella 1 1 100.00
2 Bev Harmer 1 1 100.00
5 Christine Elkington 8 9 88.89
6 Desley Wimbridge 9 11 81.82
7 Sydney Ennis 7 9 77.78
7 Marina Leather 7 9 77.78
7 Liana Gunzburg 7 9 77.78
10 Lyn Chandler 5 7 71.43
10 Kay Brooks 5 7 71.43
12 Anne Andrews 6 9 66.67
13 Kerry Maher 5 8 62.50
14 Chantelle Garrett 4 7 57.14
14 Quita Cass 4 7 57.14
16 Katie Weir 2 4 50.00
17 Barbara Rose 1 2 50.00
17 Tomoko McLean 1 2 50.00
19 Margaret Reilly 5 11 45.45
20 Anne Holder 4 9 44.44
21 Michelle Doyle 3 10 30.00
22 Prue O'Neill 2 7 28.57
23 Aliviya Arends 2 8 25.00
24 Samantha Kent 1 5 20.00
25 Therese Kenny 1 6 16.67
25 Katy Scott 1 6 16.67
27 Raelene Marriott 1 7 14.29
28 Julie Scott 1 8 12.50
29 Kim Duffecy 1 10 10.00
30 Jacqueline Cox 0 5 0.00
31 Terry Brookes 0 1 0.00