Division 5: Division Stats

Win Percentages
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Robert Yeoh 9 9 100.00
2 James Barr 1 1 100.00
2 David Wilson 1 1 100.00
4 Quentin Gallot 9 10 90.00
5 Brett Pitman 10 12 83.33
6 Richard Osbon 5 6 83.33
7 Hayley Chiu 6 8 75.00
8 Craig Taggart 5 7 71.43
9 Katherine Tonkin 7 10 70.00
10 Kyle Back 6 9 66.67
11 Bob Price 4 6 66.67
12 Olivia Lindsey 5 8 62.50
13 Hadden Donald 8 13 61.54
14 Emma Cornish 4 10 40.00
15 Sam Hendy-Taylor 2 5 40.00
15 Tracy Marshall 2 5 40.00
17 Stan Carvell 1 3 33.33
18 Trevor Young 3 10 30.00
18 Darryl Carpenter 3 10 30.00
20 Jason Pawelec 1 8 12.50
21 Jason Harwood 1 9 11.11
22 Thomas Pfeifhofer 0 10 0.00
23 Graeme Thompson 0 5 0.00
23 Michelle Hodge 0 5 0.00
25 Ben Trigger 0 1 0.00
25 Scott Burton 0 1 0.00
25 Michelle Cornish 0 1 0.00
25 David Hogg 0 1 0.00
25 Jacques Giuffre 0 1 0.00
25 Harrison King 0 1 0.00
End of Season SportyHQ Ratings
# Name End of Season Rating
1 Quentin Gallot 1196
2 Brett Pitman 1180
3 Kyle Back 1172
4 Harrison King 1171
5 Robert Yeoh 1169
6 Hayley Chiu 1161
7 Katherine Tonkin 1139
8 Olivia Lindsey 1135
8 David Wilson 1135
10 Emma Cornish 1131
11 Craig Taggart 1118
12 Darryl Carpenter 1113
13 Graeme Thompson 1107
13 Hadden Donald 1107
15 Richard Osbon 1095
16 Trevor Young 1086
17 Stan Carvell 1070
18 Michelle Hodge 1060
19 Jason Pawelec 1052
19 David Hogg 1052
21 Sam Hendy-Taylor 1051
21 Jason Harwood 1051
23 Tracy Marshall 1049
24 Ben Trigger 1042
25 Scott Burton 1036
26 Bob Price 1033
27 Michelle Cornish 1025
28 Jacques Giuffre 980
29 Thomas Pfeifhofer 970
30 James Barr 965
All Star Team
Best lineup with at least 4 matches played.
# Name Win % Wins Losses
1 Quentin Gallot 88.89 8 1
2 Robert Yeoh 100.00 6 0
3 Hadden Donald 100.00 4 0
Best Win % When Lower Ranked
# Name Won Played Win %
1 James Barr 1 1 100.00
1 Richard Osbon 1 1 100.00
1 Quentin Gallot 1 1 100.00
4 Craig Taggart 4 6 66.67
5 Katherine Tonkin 2 5 40.00
6 Kyle Back 1 3 33.33
6 Bob Price 1 3 33.33
8 Sam Hendy-Taylor 1 4 25.00
8 Tracy Marshall 1 4 25.00
10 Trevor Young 2 9 22.22
11 Hadden Donald 1 6 16.67
12 Thomas Pfeifhofer 9 0.00
13 Jason Pawelec 7 0.00
13 Jason Harwood 7 0.00
15 Emma Cornish 5 0.00
15 Darryl Carpenter 5 0.00
17 Graeme Thompson 4 0.00
18 Michelle Hodge 3 0.00
19 Stan Carvell 2 0.00
20 Brett Pitman 1 0.00
20 Olivia Lindsey 1 0.00
20 Ben Trigger 1 0.00
20 Hayley Chiu 1 0.00
20 Scott Burton 1 0.00
20 Michelle Cornish 1 0.00
20 David Hogg 1 0.00
20 Jacques Giuffre 1 0.00
Rating Variations
# Name Start End +/- Change
1 Kyle Back 1091 1172 81
2 Harrison King 1121 1171 50
3 David Hogg 1009 1052 43
4 Quentin Gallot 1154 1196 42
5 Bob Price 996 1033 37
6 Katherine Tonkin 1108 1139 31
7 Richard Osbon 1066 1095 29
8 Robert Yeoh 1141 1169 28
9 Hadden Donald 1081 1107 26
10 Hayley Chiu 1140 1161 21
11 Stan Carvell 1056 1070 14
12 Trevor Young 1073 1086 13
13 David Wilson 1123 1135 12
14 Sam Hendy-Taylor 1042 1051 9
15 Jason Harwood 1046 1051 5
16 Ben Trigger 1037 1042 5
17 Craig Taggart 1114 1118 4
18 Tracy Marshall 1046 1049 3
19 Scott Burton 1034 1036 2
20 Michelle Cornish 1025 1025 0
21 Michelle Hodge 1061 1060 -1
22 Emma Cornish 1135 1131 -4
23 Jacques Giuffre 987 980 -7
24 Jason Pawelec 1060 1052 -8
25 Darryl Carpenter 1123 1113 -10
26 Thomas Pfeifhofer 982 970 -12
27 Graeme Thompson 1120 1107 -13
28 Brett Pitman 1194 1180 -14
29 James Barr 980 965 -15
30 Olivia Lindsey 1162 1135 -27
Loss Percentages
# Name Lost Played Loss %
1 Thomas Pfeifhofer 10 10 100.00
2 Graeme Thompson 5 5 100.00
2 Michelle Hodge 5 5 100.00
4 Ben Trigger 1 1 100.00
4 Scott Burton 1 1 100.00
4 Michelle Cornish 1 1 100.00
4 David Hogg 1 1 100.00
4 Jacques Giuffre 1 1 100.00
4 Harrison King 1 1 100.00
10 Jason Harwood 8 9 88.89
11 Jason Pawelec 7 8 87.50
12 Trevor Young 7 10 70.00
12 Darryl Carpenter 7 10 70.00
14 Stan Carvell 2 3 66.67
15 Emma Cornish 6 10 60.00
16 Sam Hendy-Taylor 3 5 60.00
16 Tracy Marshall 3 5 60.00
18 Hadden Donald 5 13 38.46
19 Olivia Lindsey 3 8 37.50
20 Kyle Back 3 9 33.33
21 Bob Price 2 6 33.33
22 Katherine Tonkin 3 10 30.00
23 Craig Taggart 2 7 28.57
24 Hayley Chiu 2 8 25.00
25 Brett Pitman 2 12 16.67
26 Richard Osbon 1 6 16.67
27 Quentin Gallot 1 10 10.00
28 Robert Yeoh 0 9 0.00
29 James Barr 0 1 0.00
29 David Wilson 0 1 0.00