Mixed Division 1: Division Stats

Win Percentages
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Michael Chang 2 2 100.00
2 Jordan Sloane 1 1 100.00
2 Ahmed Abdelhalim 1 1 100.00
2 David Lundberg 1 1 100.00
5 Ritchie Dummett 11 12 91.67
6 Mitchell Munecas 11 14 78.57
7 Anthony Sheedy 7 9 77.78
8 Mark Xuereb 9 12 75.00
8 Paul Crawford 9 12 75.00
10 Martin Lynch 11 15 73.33
10 jodie evans 11 15 73.33
12 Peter Chang 9 13 69.23
13 Mitch Montgomery 7 11 63.64
14 Tim Carrick 5 8 62.50
15 Louis Cremen 6 10 60.00
15 David Cuskelly 6 10 60.00
17 Gavin Stansfield 10 19 52.63
18 Bryce Clarke 6 12 50.00
19 Kylie Morgan 4 8 50.00
20 Lorri Field 1 2 50.00
21 Craig Bryan 7 15 46.67
22 David Williams 5 11 45.45
22 Paul Waine 5 11 45.45
24 Drew Corbin 6 14 42.86
25 Kyle McNamara 5 12 41.67
26 Rodney Mampusti 6 15 40.00
27 Napoti Teremaki 2 5 40.00
28 Wally Guerreiro 6 17 35.29
29 Ann Burns 2 6 33.33
30 Luke Mellor 3 10 30.00
31 Mark Allison 2 8 25.00
32 George Barrie 2 9 22.22
33 Andrew Chen 2 12 16.67
34 Col Barnes 1 9 11.11
35 Margaret Pottie 1 11 9.09
36 Geoff Hunter 0 10 0.00
37 Alex Constantinidis 0 2 0.00
38 Tony Bullman 0 1 0.00
38 Don Coltman 0 1 0.00
End of Season SportyHQ Ratings
# Name End of Season Rating
1 Ritchie Dummett 1380
2 Mark Xuereb 1288
3 David Cuskelly 1279
4 Anthony Sheedy 1246
5 Jordan Sloane 1245
6 Luke Mellor 1244
7 David Lundberg 1187
8 Peter Chang 1147
9 Mitchell Munecas 1141
10 Andrew Chen 1137
11 Wally Guerreiro 1119
12 Bryce Clarke 1109
13 Michael Chang 1098
14 Paul Waine 1079
15 Drew Corbin 1056
16 Mark Allison 1013
17 Don Coltman 1011
18 Lorri Field 1004
19 Gavin Stansfield 988
20 Paul Crawford 982
21 Martin Lynch 978
22 Alex Constantinidis 972
23 David Williams 959
24 Napoti Teremaki 934
25 Craig Bryan 914
26 Mitch Montgomery 910
27 Tim Carrick 907
27 jodie evans 907
29 Kyle McNamara 896
30 Ann Burns 891
31 Ahmed Abdelhalim 873
32 Louis Cremen 863
33 Col Barnes 859
34 George Barrie 852
34 Kylie Morgan 852
36 Rodney Mampusti 845
37 Margaret Pottie 835
38 Tony Bullman 804
39 Geoff Hunter 771
All Star Team
Best lineup with at least 4 matches played.
# Name Win % Wins Losses
1 Ritchie Dummett 91.67 11 1
2 Mitchell Munecas 90.91 10 1
3 Paul Crawford 80.00 8 2
4 jodie evans 87.50 7 1
Best Win % When Lower Ranked
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Michael Chang 1 1 100.00
1 Martin Lynch 1 1 100.00
3 Mitchell Munecas 4 6 66.67
4 Mitch Montgomery 4 8 50.00
5 Paul Crawford 1 2 50.00
5 Anthony Sheedy 1 2 50.00
5 Lorri Field 1 2 50.00
8 David Williams 4 9 44.44
9 Louis Cremen 2 6 33.33
10 David Cuskelly 1 3 33.33
11 Craig Bryan 2 7 28.57
12 Wally Guerreiro 3 12 25.00
13 Kyle McNamara 2 8 25.00
14 jodie evans 1 4 25.00
15 Rodney Mampusti 2 10 20.00
16 Kylie Morgan 1 5 20.00
16 George Barrie 1 5 20.00
18 Gavin Stansfield 2 11 18.18
19 Mark Allison 1 6 16.67
20 Drew Corbin 1 9 11.11
21 Andrew Chen 1 10 10.00
22 Margaret Pottie 1 11 9.09
23 Geoff Hunter 10 0.00
24 Col Barnes 8 0.00
25 Paul Waine 6 0.00
25 Luke Mellor 6 0.00
27 Mark Xuereb 3 0.00
27 Bryce Clarke 3 0.00
29 Peter Chang 2 0.00
29 Ann Burns 2 0.00
31 Alex Constantinidis 1 0.00
31 Tony Bullman 1 0.00
31 Tim Carrick 1 0.00
31 Don Coltman 1 0.00
Rating Variations
# Name Start End +/- Change
1 Mitchell Munecas 1063 1141 78
2 Ritchie Dummett 1308 1380 72
3 David Williams 898 959 61
4 Lorri Field 952 1004 52
5 Drew Corbin 1006 1056 50
6 Mitch Montgomery 866 910 44
7 Gavin Stansfield 949 988 39
8 Mark Xuereb 1251 1288 37
8 Kyle McNamara 859 896 37
10 Martin Lynch 943 978 35
11 Jordan Sloane 1212 1245 33
12 Craig Bryan 886 914 28
13 Peter Chang 1121 1147 26
14 Louis Cremen 839 863 24
15 Margaret Pottie 814 835 21
16 Alex Constantinidis 954 972 18
17 Wally Guerreiro 1102 1119 17
18 David Cuskelly 1263 1279 16
19 jodie evans 892 907 15
20 Anthony Sheedy 1231 1246 15
21 George Barrie 838 852 14
22 Michael Chang 1086 1098 12
23 Col Barnes 850 859 9
24 Rodney Mampusti 838 845 7
25 Geoff Hunter 766 771 5
26 Paul Waine 1077 1079 2
27 Ahmed Abdelhalim 872 873 1
28 Bryce Clarke 1110 1109 -1
29 Don Coltman 1012 1011 -1
30 Tim Carrick 919 907 -12
30 Kylie Morgan 864 852 -12
32 Tony Bullman 817 804 -13
33 Paul Crawford 999 982 -17
34 David Lundberg 1207 1187 -20
35 Luke Mellor 1266 1244 -22
36 Mark Allison 1041 1013 -28
37 Napoti Teremaki 964 934 -30
38 Ann Burns 928 891 -37
39 Andrew Chen 1178 1137 -41
Loss Percentages
# Name Lost Played Loss %
1 Geoff Hunter 10 10 100.00
2 Alex Constantinidis 2 2 100.00
3 Tony Bullman 1 1 100.00
3 Don Coltman 1 1 100.00
5 Margaret Pottie 10 11 90.91
6 Col Barnes 8 9 88.89
7 Andrew Chen 10 12 83.33
8 George Barrie 7 9 77.78
9 Mark Allison 6 8 75.00
10 Luke Mellor 7 10 70.00
11 Ann Burns 4 6 66.67
12 Wally Guerreiro 11 17 64.71
13 Rodney Mampusti 9 15 60.00
14 Napoti Teremaki 3 5 60.00
15 Kyle McNamara 7 12 58.33
16 Drew Corbin 8 14 57.14
17 David Williams 6 11 54.55
17 Paul Waine 6 11 54.55
19 Craig Bryan 8 15 53.33
20 Bryce Clarke 6 12 50.00
21 Kylie Morgan 4 8 50.00
22 Lorri Field 1 2 50.00
23 Gavin Stansfield 9 19 47.37
24 Louis Cremen 4 10 40.00
24 David Cuskelly 4 10 40.00
26 Tim Carrick 3 8 37.50
27 Mitch Montgomery 4 11 36.36
28 Peter Chang 4 13 30.77
29 Martin Lynch 4 15 26.67
29 jodie evans 4 15 26.67
31 Mark Xuereb 3 12 25.00
31 Paul Crawford 3 12 25.00
33 Anthony Sheedy 2 9 22.22
34 Mitchell Munecas 3 14 21.43
35 Ritchie Dummett 1 12 8.33
36 Michael Chang 0 2 0.00
37 Jordan Sloane 0 1 0.00
37 Ahmed Abdelhalim 0 1 0.00
37 David Lundberg 0 1 0.00