Premier: Division Stats

Win Percentages
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Andy Oudyn 2 2 100.00
1 Scott O'Shea 2 2 100.00
1 Samantha Calvert 2 2 100.00
1 Alex Casey 2 2 100.00
5 andy odyn 1 1 100.00
5 Mark Wilson 1 1 100.00
7 Craig Tanner 16 19 84.21
7 Tim Prins 16 19 84.21
9 Glyn Williams 15 18 83.33
10 Brenton Dally 4 5 80.00
11 Stewart McPherson 15 19 78.95
12 Scott Sanderson 11 14 78.57
13 Lee Webster 11 16 68.75
14 Ernest Jombla 4 6 66.67
15 Nicholas Craig 5 8 62.50
16 Andrew Fletcher 11 18 61.11
17 Lachlan Whyborn 12 20 60.00
18 Matt Hartley 3 5 60.00
19 Sean Millard 11 19 57.89
20 Andrew Hayes 9 16 56.25
21 Matt Ison 7 13 53.85
22 Rob Wilson 4 8 50.00
23 Nicol Bekker 1 2 50.00
24 Bryce Boukogiannis 7 15 46.67
25 Peter Thompson 6 13 46.15
26 Jessica Osborne 3 7 42.86
27 Michael Bos 4 10 40.00
28 Stuart Millar 7 18 38.89
29 Mack Hoverman 4 12 33.33
30 Anthony Oliver 3 9 33.33
30 Joshua Rahul Raj 3 9 33.33
32 Dave Bryant 1 3 33.33
32 Chris Smidt 1 3 33.33
34 Steven Woolley 6 19 31.58
35 David Bolton 2 7 28.57
36 Hayden Murphy 1 4 25.00
37 Clay Canty 3 13 23.08
38 Mitchell Wilson 3 14 21.43
38 Garry Head 3 14 21.43
40 Stuart Gardner 1 6 16.67
41 Matt Cumiskey 2 13 15.38
42 Jason Williams 0 6 0.00
43 Jordan Russell 0 5 0.00
44 Damon Graham 0 2 0.00
44 George Wolf 0 2 0.00
46 Junaid Qamar 0 1 0.00
46 Colette Sultana 0 1 0.00
46 Harrison Vogler 0 1 0.00
46 Mohsin Tariq 0 1 0.00
46 Jordie Russell 0 1 0.00
46 Roger Williamson 0 1 0.00
46 Darragh O'Riordan 0 1 0.00
46 Robert Ferguson 0 1 0.00
46 Matthew Scott 0 1 0.00
46 Jason Bray 0 1 0.00
46 Rob Speight 0 1 0.00
End of Season SportyHQ Ratings
# Name End of Season Rating
1 Craig Tanner 1620
2 Glyn Williams 1611
2 Chris Smidt 1611
4 Andrew Hayes 1603
5 Colette Sultana 1594
6 Scott O'Shea 1582
7 Bryce Boukogiannis 1548
8 Andy Oudyn 1540
9 Scott Sanderson 1527
10 Hayden Murphy 1525
11 Mark Wilson 1516
12 Mitchell Wilson 1504
13 Joshua Rahul Raj 1502
14 Jessica Osborne 1486
15 Andrew Fletcher 1483
16 andy odyn 1477
17 Ernest Jombla 1474
18 Matt Hartley 1464
19 Matt Ison 1462
20 Clay Canty 1450
20 Brenton Dally 1450
22 Garry Head 1428
23 Tim Prins 1426
24 Lee Webster 1425
24 Roger Williamson 1425
26 Lachlan Whyborn 1408
27 Samantha Calvert 1395
28 Rob Wilson 1393
29 Stuart Millar 1391
30 Damon Graham 1390
31 Rob Speight 1374
32 Steven Woolley 1371
33 Stuart Gardner 1365
34 Sean Millard 1363
35 Mohsin Tariq 1349
36 Alex Casey 1346
37 Nicholas Craig 1343
38 Stewart McPherson 1332
39 Peter Thompson 1331
40 Nicol Bekker 1326
41 Dave Bryant 1317
41 Jason Williams 1317
43 Anthony Oliver 1313
44 David Bolton 1300
45 Matt Cumiskey 1294
46 Mack Hoverman 1291
47 Michael Bos 1278
48 Robert Ferguson 1251
49 Jason Bray 1223
50 Jordan Russell 1220
51 George Wolf 1200
52 Matthew Scott 1171
53 Darragh O'Riordan 1158
54 Junaid Qamar 1128
55 Harrison Vogler 991
56 Jordie Russell 980
All Star Team
Best lineup with at least 4 matches played.
# Name Win % Wins Losses
1 Craig Tanner 84.21 16 3
2 Scott Sanderson 84.62 11 2
3 Lachlan Whyborn 90.00 9 1
4 Stewart McPherson 88.24 15 2
Best Win % When Lower Ranked
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Glyn Williams 1 1 100.00
1 Mark Wilson 1 1 100.00
3 Brenton Dally 4 5 80.00
4 Craig Tanner 3 4 75.00
5 Lee Webster 4 6 66.67
6 Lachlan Whyborn 8 16 50.00
7 Stewart McPherson 3 6 50.00
8 Sean Millard 2 4 50.00
8 Matt Ison 2 4 50.00
10 Nicol Bekker 1 2 50.00
11 Nicholas Craig 2 5 40.00
12 Andrew Hayes 3 9 33.33
12 Michael Bos 3 9 33.33
12 Peter Thompson 3 9 33.33
15 Rob Wilson 2 6 33.33
16 Matt Hartley 1 3 33.33
17 Mack Hoverman 3 10 30.00
18 Garry Head 3 11 27.27
19 Steven Woolley 4 16 25.00
20 Andrew Fletcher 1 5 20.00
20 Jessica Osborne 1 5 20.00
22 Anthony Oliver 1 7 14.29
22 Matt Cumiskey 1 7 14.29
24 Stuart Millar 1 8 12.50
24 Bryce Boukogiannis 1 8 12.50
26 Mitchell Wilson 11 0.00
27 Clay Canty 9 0.00
28 Joshua Rahul Raj 6 0.00
29 David Bolton 5 0.00
30 Jordan Russell 4 0.00
31 Jason Williams 3 0.00
32 Hayden Murphy 2 0.00
32 Stuart Gardner 2 0.00
32 George Wolf 2 0.00
35 Junaid Qamar 1 0.00
35 Damon Graham 1 0.00
35 Harrison Vogler 1 0.00
35 Scott Sanderson 1 0.00
35 Tim Prins 1 0.00
35 Mohsin Tariq 1 0.00
35 Jordie Russell 1 0.00
35 Darragh O'Riordan 1 0.00
35 Dave Bryant 1 0.00
35 Matthew Scott 1 0.00
35 Jason Bray 1 0.00
35 Rob Speight 1 0.00
Rating Variations
# Name Start End +/- Change
1 andy odyn 500 1477 977
2 Robert Ferguson 500 1251 751
3 Jordie Russell 500 980 480
4 Brenton Dally 1050 1450 400
5 Michael Bos 909 1278 369
6 Lachlan Whyborn 1324 1408 84
7 Nicholas Craig 1279 1343 64
8 Anthony Oliver 1250 1313 63
9 Samantha Calvert 1333 1395 62
10 Joshua Rahul Raj 1444 1502 58
11 Jessica Osborne 1430 1486 56
12 Clay Canty 1412 1450 38
13 Rob Wilson 1355 1393 38
14 Lee Webster 1388 1425 37
15 Sean Millard 1331 1363 32
16 Stewart McPherson 1302 1332 30
17 Mack Hoverman 1262 1291 29
18 Craig Tanner 1594 1620 26
19 Mitchell Wilson 1480 1504 24
20 David Bolton 1277 1300 23
21 Garry Head 1407 1428 21
21 Scott Sanderson 1506 1527 21
23 Peter Thompson 1311 1331 20
24 George Wolf 1183 1200 17
25 Mark Wilson 1500 1516 16
26 Nicol Bekker 1311 1326 15
27 Harrison Vogler 976 991 15
28 Dave Bryant 1303 1317 14
29 Mohsin Tariq 1335 1349 14
30 Matt Hartley 1451 1464 13
31 Damon Graham 1380 1390 10
32 Darragh O'Riordan 1148 1158 10
33 Andrew Hayes 1594 1603 9
34 Bryce Boukogiannis 1540 1548 8
35 Andrew Fletcher 1478 1483 5
36 Matthew Scott 1166 1171 5
37 Alex Casey 1345 1346 1
38 Rob Speight 1373 1374 1
39 Matt Ison 1462 1462 0
40 Stuart Millar 1394 1391 -3
41 Steven Woolley 1376 1371 -5
42 Jordan Russell 1225 1220 -5
43 Colette Sultana 1601 1594 -7
44 Andy Oudyn 1549 1540 -9
45 Roger Williamson 1435 1425 -10
46 Glyn Williams 1622 1611 -11
47 Scott O'Shea 1597 1582 -15
48 Chris Smidt 1627 1611 -16
49 Matt Cumiskey 1312 1294 -18
50 Hayden Murphy 1543 1525 -18
51 Tim Prins 1446 1426 -20
52 Stuart Gardner 1387 1365 -22
53 Ernest Jombla 1500 1474 -26
54 Jason Bray 1254 1223 -31
55 Jason Williams 1349 1317 -32
56 Junaid Qamar 1196 1128 -68
Loss Percentages
# Name Lost Played Loss %
1 Jason Williams 6 6 100.00
2 Jordan Russell 5 5 100.00
3 Damon Graham 2 2 100.00
3 George Wolf 2 2 100.00
5 Junaid Qamar 1 1 100.00
5 Colette Sultana 1 1 100.00
5 Harrison Vogler 1 1 100.00
5 Mohsin Tariq 1 1 100.00
5 Jordie Russell 1 1 100.00
5 Roger Williamson 1 1 100.00
5 Darragh O'Riordan 1 1 100.00
5 Robert Ferguson 1 1 100.00
5 Matthew Scott 1 1 100.00
5 Jason Bray 1 1 100.00
5 Rob Speight 1 1 100.00
16 Matt Cumiskey 11 13 84.62
17 Stuart Gardner 5 6 83.33
18 Mitchell Wilson 11 14 78.57
18 Garry Head 11 14 78.57
20 Clay Canty 10 13 76.92
21 Hayden Murphy 3 4 75.00
22 David Bolton 5 7 71.43
23 Steven Woolley 13 19 68.42
24 Mack Hoverman 8 12 66.67
25 Anthony Oliver 6 9 66.67
25 Joshua Rahul Raj 6 9 66.67
27 Dave Bryant 2 3 66.67
27 Chris Smidt 2 3 66.67
29 Stuart Millar 11 18 61.11
30 Michael Bos 6 10 60.00
31 Jessica Osborne 4 7 57.14
32 Peter Thompson 7 13 53.85
33 Bryce Boukogiannis 8 15 53.33
34 Rob Wilson 4 8 50.00
35 Nicol Bekker 1 2 50.00
36 Matt Ison 6 13 46.15
37 Andrew Hayes 7 16 43.75
38 Sean Millard 8 19 42.11
39 Lachlan Whyborn 8 20 40.00
40 Matt Hartley 2 5 40.00
41 Andrew Fletcher 7 18 38.89
42 Nicholas Craig 3 8 37.50
43 Ernest Jombla 2 6 33.33
44 Lee Webster 5 16 31.25
45 Scott Sanderson 3 14 21.43
46 Stewart McPherson 4 19 21.05
47 Brenton Dally 1 5 20.00
48 Glyn Williams 3 18 16.67
49 Craig Tanner 3 19 15.79
49 Tim Prins 3 19 15.79
51 Andy Oudyn 0 2 0.00
51 Scott O'Shea 0 2 0.00
51 Samantha Calvert 0 2 0.00
51 Alex Casey 0 2 0.00
55 andy odyn 0 1 0.00
55 Mark Wilson 0 1 0.00