Mixed Tuesday Night Div 3: Division Stats

Win Percentages
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Jayne Mueller 5 5 100.00
2 Lynne Pascot 4 4 100.00
3 Ruth King 12 14 85.71
4 Anne Skofic 10 13 76.92
5 Kerrie Burton 9 12 75.00
6 Joccoaa Smith 8 11 72.73
7 Jenny Gilroy 10 14 71.43
8 Linda Lukins 5 7 71.43
9 Lyn Gregory 8 12 66.67
9 Sally Pratt 8 12 66.67
11 Terri Micale-David 6 9 66.67
12 christine mann 7 12 58.33
13 Lesley Campbell 9 16 56.25
14 Carol Benson 1 2 50.00
15 Dianne Walters 5 13 38.46
16 Margaret Ziebell 4 11 36.36
17 Maureen McClelland 3 9 33.33
18 Lynn Neels 3 12 25.00
19 Dot Cook 2 13 15.38
20 Carew Devane 1 12 8.33
21 Carol Campbell 0 13 0.00
21 Anne Clark 0 13 0.00
23 Belinda Xuereb 0 1 0.00
End of Season SportyHQ Ratings
# Name End of Season Rating
1 Jenny Gilroy 621
2 Lyn Gregory 620
2 Kerrie Burton 620
4 Ruth King 609
5 Sally Pratt 593
6 Carol Benson 583
6 Belinda Xuereb 583
8 Anne Skofic 578
9 Dot Cook 575
10 Dianne Walters 573
11 Terri Micale-David 561
12 Lesley Campbell 551
13 Lynne Pascot 534
14 Carol Campbell 532
15 Joccoaa Smith 493
16 Maureen McClelland 484
17 Linda Lukins 478
18 Margaret Ziebell 475
19 christine mann 472
20 Jayne Mueller 464
21 Lynn Neels 431
22 Carew Devane 419
23 Anne Clark 415
All Star Team
Best lineup with at least 4 matches played.
# Name Win % Wins Losses
1 Kerrie Burton 75.00 9 3
2 Ruth King 91.67 11 1
3 Anne Skofic 88.89 8 1
4 Jayne Mueller 100.00 5 0
Best Win % When Lower Ranked
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Jayne Mueller 2 2 100.00
2 Kerrie Burton 1 1 100.00
2 Ruth King 1 1 100.00
4 Jenny Gilroy 2 4 50.00
4 Joccoaa Smith 2 4 50.00
6 Anne Skofic 1 2 50.00
6 Carol Benson 1 2 50.00
8 Lyn Gregory 2 6 33.33
9 christine mann 1 3 33.33
9 Sally Pratt 1 3 33.33
11 Margaret Ziebell 2 8 25.00
12 Maureen McClelland 1 5 20.00
13 Carew Devane 1 6 16.67
14 Dot Cook 2 13 15.38
15 Lesley Campbell 1 7 14.29
16 Carol Campbell 13 0.00
17 Anne Clark 12 0.00
18 Lynn Neels 8 0.00
19 Dianne Walters 7 0.00
20 Terri Micale-David 2 0.00
21 Belinda Xuereb 1 0.00
Rating Variations
# Name Start End +/- Change
1 Joccoaa Smith 453 493 40
2 Lyn Gregory 602 620 18
3 Jayne Mueller 446 464 18
4 Maureen McClelland 474 484 10
5 Ruth King 600 609 9
6 Margaret Ziebell 467 475 8
7 Jenny Gilroy 615 621 6
8 Sally Pratt 589 593 4
9 Anne Skofic 576 578 2
10 Lynn Neels 430 431 1
11 Lynne Pascot 533 534 1
12 Kerrie Burton 620 620 0
13 Belinda Xuereb 583 583 0
14 christine mann 475 472 -3
15 Dot Cook 579 575 -4
16 Lesley Campbell 560 551 -9
17 Terri Micale-David 570 561 -9
18 Carol Campbell 545 532 -13
19 Carol Benson 597 583 -14
20 Anne Clark 433 415 -18
21 Dianne Walters 594 573 -21
22 Linda Lukins 600 478 -122
23 Carew Devane 600 419 -181
Loss Percentages
# Name Lost Played Loss %
1 Carol Campbell 13 13 100.00
1 Anne Clark 13 13 100.00
3 Belinda Xuereb 1 1 100.00
4 Carew Devane 11 12 91.67
5 Dot Cook 11 13 84.62
6 Lynn Neels 9 12 75.00
7 Maureen McClelland 6 9 66.67
8 Margaret Ziebell 7 11 63.64
9 Dianne Walters 8 13 61.54
10 Carol Benson 1 2 50.00
11 Lesley Campbell 7 16 43.75
12 christine mann 5 12 41.67
13 Lyn Gregory 4 12 33.33
13 Sally Pratt 4 12 33.33
15 Terri Micale-David 3 9 33.33
16 Jenny Gilroy 4 14 28.57
17 Linda Lukins 2 7 28.57
18 Joccoaa Smith 3 11 27.27
19 Kerrie Burton 3 12 25.00
20 Anne Skofic 3 13 23.08
21 Ruth King 2 14 14.29
22 Jayne Mueller 0 5 0.00
23 Lynne Pascot 0 4 0.00