Main: Division Stats

Win Percentages
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Mark Rautenbach 8 8 100.00
2 Laurie Rautenbach 7 7 100.00
2 Denis Harel 7 7 100.00
2 Wayne Marcus 7 7 100.00
5 Ian Thomas 1 1 100.00
5 Noel Froise 1 1 100.00
7 Ian Horrell 6 7 85.71
7 Steve Darch 6 7 85.71
9 Shannon Zwart 4 5 80.00
10 Felix Jackson 5 7 71.43
10 Ilan Lax 5 7 71.43
10 Gregg Cole Edwardes 5 7 71.43
10 Leon Rautenbach 5 7 71.43
10 Greg Goodall 5 7 71.43
10 Janine Talbot 5 7 71.43
16 Trevor Fryer 4 6 66.67
17 Rob Gouweloos 4 7 57.14
17 Matthew Black 4 7 57.14
19 Andrew Barnes 3 7 42.86
19 Etienne van der Merw… 3 7 42.86
21 Nathan Christie 2 6 33.33
21 Rob Pottow 2 6 33.33
21 Derek Fourie 2 6 33.33
24 Fergus Johnson 2 7 28.57
25 Keith Braithwaite 2 8 25.00
26 Jock Dakers 1 6 16.67
26 Pieter Human 1 6 16.67
26 Nick Cole-Bowen 1 6 16.67
29 Eric Bothma 1 7 14.29
29 Craig Pieters 1 7 14.29
29 Kevin Blatch 1 7 14.29
29 Kay Meyrick 1 7 14.29
33 Cathy Jackson 0 7 0.00
34 Ruth Reimers 0 6 0.00
35 Nick Jackson 0 1 0.00
35 0 1 0.00
35 Odette Randelhoff 0 1 0.00
35 Derick Jones 0 1 0.00
35 Jess Thompson 0 1 0.00
End of Season SportyHQ Ratings
# Name End of Season Rating
1 1361
2 Wayne Marcus 1349
3 Denis Harel 1345
4 Steve Darch 1333
5 Craig Pieters 1320
6 Trevor Fryer 1292
7 Ian Horrell 1276
8 Matthew Black 1274
9 Rob Gouweloos 1270
10 Etienne van der Merw… 1243
11 Keith Braithwaite 1224
12 Jock Dakers 1220
13 Nick Cole-Bowen 1197
14 Gregg Cole Edwardes 1194
16 Eric Bothma 1177
17 Andrew Barnes 1166
18 Felix Jackson 1037
19 Mark Rautenbach 1031
20 Leon Rautenbach 1026
20 Shannon Zwart 1026
22 Ilan Lax 1011
23 Kevin Blatch 1005
23 Nick Jackson 1005
25 Janine Talbot 1002
26 Noel Froise 1001
27 Jess Thompson 999
28 Rob Pottow 952
29 Laurie Rautenbach 942
30 Cathy Jackson 928
31 Kay Meyrick 899
32 Odette Randelhoff 856
33 Ian Thomas 855
34 Derek Fourie 852
35 Pieter Human 844
36 Greg Goodall 778
37 Nathan Christie 770
37 Fergus Johnson 770
39 Ruth Reimers 749
40 Derick Jones 700
All Star Team
Best lineup with at least 4 matches played.
# Name Win % Wins Losses
1 Denis Harel 100.00 7 0
2 Laurie Rautenbach 100.00 7 0
Rating Variations
# Name Start End +/- Change
1 Jess Thompson 500 999 499
2 Noel Froise 600 1001 401
3 Fergus Johnson 600 770 170
4 Nathan Christie 600 770 170
5 Laurie Rautenbach 783 942 159
6 Greg Goodall 655 778 123
7 Gregg Cole Edwardes 1085 1194 109
8 Derick Jones 600 700 100
9 Andrew Barnes 1076 1166 90
10 Ian Horrell 1225 1276 51
11 Kevin Blatch 955 1005 50
12 Etienne van der Merw… 1199 1243 44
13 Derek Fourie 809 852 43
14 Trevor Fryer 1254 1292 38
15 Nick Cole-Bowen 1160 1197 37
16 Rob Gouweloos 1234 1270 36
17 Pieter Human 809 844 35
18 Matthew Black 1240 1274 34
18 Denis Harel 1311 1345 34
20 Eric Bothma 1150 1177 27
21 Mark Rautenbach 1006 1031 25
22 Jock Dakers 1195 1220 25
23 Rob Pottow 930 952 22
24 Ruth Reimers 735 749 14
25 Wayne Marcus 1336 1349 13
26 Keith Braithwaite 1212 1224 12
27 Kay Meyrick 888 899 11
28 Steve Darch 1325 1333 8
28 Janine Talbot 994 1002 8
30 Nick Jackson 1000 1005 5
31 Shannon Zwart 1026 1026 0
32 Ian Thomas 855 855 0
32 1361 1361 0
32 Odette Randelhoff 856 856 0
35 EDMUND CONRADIE 1190 1189 -1
36 Leon Rautenbach 1032 1026 -6
37 Ilan Lax 1019 1011 -8
38 Cathy Jackson 941 928 -13
39 Felix Jackson 1056 1037 -19
40 Craig Pieters 1380 1320 -60
Loss Percentages
# Name Lost Played Loss %
1 Cathy Jackson 7 7 100.00
2 Ruth Reimers 6 6 100.00
3 Nick Jackson 1 1 100.00
3 1 1 100.00
3 EDMUND CONRADIE 1 1 100.00
3 Odette Randelhoff 1 1 100.00
3 Derick Jones 1 1 100.00
3 Jess Thompson 1 1 100.00
9 Eric Bothma 6 7 85.71
9 Craig Pieters 6 7 85.71
9 Kevin Blatch 6 7 85.71
9 Kay Meyrick 6 7 85.71
13 Jock Dakers 5 6 83.33
13 Pieter Human 5 6 83.33
13 Nick Cole-Bowen 5 6 83.33
16 Keith Braithwaite 6 8 75.00
17 Fergus Johnson 5 7 71.43
18 Nathan Christie 4 6 66.67
18 Rob Pottow 4 6 66.67
18 Derek Fourie 4 6 66.67
21 Andrew Barnes 4 7 57.14
21 Etienne van der Merw… 4 7 57.14
23 Rob Gouweloos 3 7 42.86
23 Matthew Black 3 7 42.86
25 Trevor Fryer 2 6 33.33
26 Felix Jackson 2 7 28.57
26 Ilan Lax 2 7 28.57
26 Gregg Cole Edwardes 2 7 28.57
26 Leon Rautenbach 2 7 28.57
26 Greg Goodall 2 7 28.57
26 Janine Talbot 2 7 28.57
32 Shannon Zwart 1 5 20.00
33 Ian Horrell 1 7 14.29
33 Steve Darch 1 7 14.29
35 Mark Rautenbach 0 8 0.00
36 Laurie Rautenbach 0 7 0.00
36 Denis Harel 0 7 0.00
36 Wayne Marcus 0 7 0.00
39 Ian Thomas 0 1 0.00
39 Noel Froise 0 1 0.00