Division 4: Division Stats

Win Percentages
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Ryan Johnston 13 13 100.00
2 Neil Marvell 1 1 100.00
2 Lorri Field 1 1 100.00
2 Kylie Morgan 1 1 100.00
5 Michael Moon 10 12 83.33
6 Nicholas Roppa 14 17 82.35
7 Paul Brown 10 13 76.92
8 Ahmed Saleh 5 7 71.43
9 Zac Williams 10 15 66.67
9 Alex Constantinidis 10 15 66.67
11 Andrew Riolo 8 12 66.67
12 Paul Waine 2 3 66.67
13 Terry Coleman 7 11 63.64
14 Trent Napthali 8 13 61.54
15 Isaac Wilson 7 12 58.33
16 Jason Northey 7 13 53.85
17 Peter Meers 6 12 50.00
18 Michael Chang 1 2 50.00
19 Don Coltman 6 13 46.15
19 David Belsito 6 13 46.15
21 Alex Howley 5 11 45.45
22 Rick Miccoli 5 12 41.67
23 Don Barnes 4 11 36.36
24 Andrew Koutsoufis 4 12 33.33
25 Zel De Jesus 3 9 33.33
26 Paul Miller 2 6 33.33
27 Chez Chiodi 1 3 33.33
28 Garry Pusell 4 13 30.77
29 Stephen Cairns 4 15 26.67
29 Warren Pusell 4 15 26.67
31 Trevor Northey 2 8 25.00
32 Tony Stafford 2 9 22.22
33 Stuart Egan 2 10 20.00
34 Paul Crawford 2 13 15.38
35 Drew Corbin 1 9 11.11
36 Thierry Michelle 0 1 0.00
End of Season SportyHQ Ratings
# Name End of Season Rating
1 Nicholas Roppa 1091
2 Paul Brown 1081
3 Ryan Johnston 1073
4 Rick Miccoli 1072
5 Isaac Wilson 1063
6 Terry Coleman 1048
7 Ahmed Saleh 1046
8 Andrew Koutsoufis 1040
9 Neil Marvell 1037
10 Zac Williams 1027
11 Alex Howley 1018
11 Garry Pusell 1018
13 Paul Crawford 1017
14 Stephen Cairns 1003
15 Trent Napthali 998
16 Jason Northey 994
17 Peter Meers 991
18 Alex Constantinidis 989
19 Don Barnes 987
20 Michael Chang 977
21 Andrew Riolo 970
22 Zel De Jesus 967
23 David Belsito 964
24 Paul Miller 948
25 Don Coltman 940
26 Michael Moon 933
27 Paul Waine 930
28 Kylie Morgan 929
29 Stuart Egan 926
30 Trevor Northey 925
31 Drew Corbin 913
32 Thierry Michelle 912
33 Warren Pusell 874
33 Tony Stafford 874
35 Lorri Field 867
36 Chez Chiodi 835
All Star Team
Best lineup with at least 4 matches played.
# Name Win % Wins Losses
1 Nicholas Roppa 78.57 11 3
2 Ryan Johnston 100.00 11 0
3 Zac Williams 80.00 8 2
4 Michael Moon 100.00 10 0
Best Win % When Lower Ranked
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Michael Moon 6 6 100.00
2 Lorri Field 1 1 100.00
3 Alex Constantinidis 3 4 75.00
4 Paul Waine 2 3 66.67
5 Andrew Riolo 2 4 50.00
5 Zac Williams 2 4 50.00
7 Trevor Northey 1 2 50.00
7 Nicholas Roppa 1 2 50.00
9 Rick Miccoli 4 9 44.44
10 Peter Meers 3 7 42.86
10 Isaac Wilson 3 7 42.86
12 Paul Miller 2 5 40.00
13 Ahmed Saleh 1 3 33.33
14 Stephen Cairns 3 12 25.00
15 Don Coltman 2 8 25.00
15 David Belsito 2 8 25.00
17 Jason Northey 1 4 25.00
17 Tony Stafford 1 4 25.00
19 Warren Pusell 3 14 21.43
20 Garry Pusell 2 10 20.00
21 Zel De Jesus 1 5 20.00
22 Andrew Koutsoufis 1 6 16.67
22 Trent Napthali 1 6 16.67
24 Alex Howley 1 7 14.29
25 Drew Corbin 1 9 11.11
25 Stuart Egan 1 9 11.11
27 Paul Crawford 1 12 8.33
28 Don Barnes 2 0.00
28 Terry Coleman 2 0.00
28 Chez Chiodi 2 0.00
31 Thierry Michelle 1 0.00
Rating Variations
# Name Start End +/- Change
1 Paul Waine 600 930 330
2 Nicholas Roppa 1023 1091 68
3 Michael Moon 866 933 67
4 Warren Pusell 816 874 58
5 Michael Chang 921 977 56
6 Neil Marvell 982 1037 55
7 Alex Constantinidis 956 989 33
8 Rick Miccoli 1045 1072 27
9 Stuart Egan 899 926 27
10 Paul Crawford 992 1017 25
10 David Belsito 939 964 25
12 Zac Williams 1003 1027 24
13 Trent Napthali 978 998 20
14 Peter Meers 973 991 18
15 Ryan Johnston 1059 1073 14
16 Kylie Morgan 918 929 11
17 Isaac Wilson 1055 1063 8
18 Ahmed Saleh 1038 1046 8
19 Andrew Riolo 963 970 7
20 Drew Corbin 906 913 7
21 Garry Pusell 1012 1018 6
22 Don Coltman 935 940 5
23 Stephen Cairns 1000 1003 3
24 Thierry Michelle 912 912 0
25 Paul Miller 951 948 -3
26 Chez Chiodi 838 835 -3
27 Alex Howley 1022 1018 -4
28 Tony Stafford 881 874 -7
29 Andrew Koutsoufis 1048 1040 -8
30 Jason Northey 1009 994 -15
31 Terry Coleman 1063 1048 -15
32 Paul Brown 1100 1081 -19
33 Zel De Jesus 990 967 -23
34 Lorri Field 894 867 -27
35 Trevor Northey 954 925 -29
36 Don Barnes 1022 987 -35
Loss Percentages
# Name Lost Played Loss %
1 Thierry Michelle 1 1 100.00
2 Drew Corbin 8 9 88.89
3 Paul Crawford 11 13 84.62
4 Stuart Egan 8 10 80.00
5 Tony Stafford 7 9 77.78
6 Trevor Northey 6 8 75.00
7 Stephen Cairns 11 15 73.33
7 Warren Pusell 11 15 73.33
9 Garry Pusell 9 13 69.23
10 Andrew Koutsoufis 8 12 66.67
11 Zel De Jesus 6 9 66.67
12 Paul Miller 4 6 66.67
13 Chez Chiodi 2 3 66.67
14 Don Barnes 7 11 63.64
15 Rick Miccoli 7 12 58.33
16 Alex Howley 6 11 54.55
17 Don Coltman 7 13 53.85
17 David Belsito 7 13 53.85
19 Peter Meers 6 12 50.00
20 Michael Chang 1 2 50.00
21 Jason Northey 6 13 46.15
22 Isaac Wilson 5 12 41.67
23 Trent Napthali 5 13 38.46
24 Terry Coleman 4 11 36.36
25 Zac Williams 5 15 33.33
25 Alex Constantinidis 5 15 33.33
27 Andrew Riolo 4 12 33.33
28 Paul Waine 1 3 33.33
29 Ahmed Saleh 2 7 28.57
30 Paul Brown 3 13 23.08
31 Nicholas Roppa 3 17 17.65
32 Michael Moon 2 12 16.67
33 Ryan Johnston 0 13 0.00
34 Neil Marvell 0 1 0.00
34 Lorri Field 0 1 0.00
34 Kylie Morgan 0 1 0.00