State 5: Division Stats

Win Percentages
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Mark Haese 9 9 100.00
2 Aaron Kress 6 6 100.00
3 Jaedan lee 5 5 100.00
4 Mark Harrison 3 3 100.00
5 Daniel Mynhart 2 2 100.00
5 Nathan Humphries 2 2 100.00
7 Alistair McTavish 1 1 100.00
7 Cameron McLeod 1 1 100.00
9 Ralph Bryant 7 8 87.50
10 Stephen Ottanelli 5 6 83.33
11 Simon Palamara 9 11 81.82
12 Damien Wolff 7 9 77.78
13 Tim Ewens 3 4 75.00
14 Brendan Turner 8 11 72.73
15 Paul Careswell 9 13 69.23
16 Cameron Neilson 6 9 66.67
17 Frank Aloi 2 3 66.67
18 David White 9 14 64.29
19 Gary Hoare 7 11 63.64
20 bruce robinson 6 10 60.00
21 Danny Mele 5 9 55.56
22 Frank De Piaz 7 13 53.85
23 David Lemon 6 12 50.00
24 David Gaetjens 5 10 50.00
25 Grant Laidlaw 3 6 50.00
25 Isuru Sirisinghe 3 6 50.00
27 Paul Blatchford 1 2 50.00
28 Ronan O'Brien 5 11 45.45
29 Ben Wilkinson 3 7 42.86
30 Angelo Romano 5 12 41.67
30 Matt Tonkin 5 12 41.67
32 Nathan Tichý 4 10 40.00
33 Hayden Anderson 3 8 37.50
33 Ben Harmer 3 8 37.50
35 Steve Kunze 1 3 33.33
36 Darran Wilson 2 7 28.57
36 John Ricciotti 2 7 28.57
38 Craig Brooks 1 4 25.00
39 Jose Hernandez 2 9 22.22
40 Malcolm Longhorn 2 10 20.00
41 Paul Bayly 1 5 20.00
41 Ramon Pathi 1 5 20.00
43 Anthony Milton 2 11 18.18
44 Tony Leak 1 7 14.29
45 Anton Blencowe 1 9 11.11
46 Vincent McCabe 0 9 0.00
47 Adrian Hobbs 0 4 0.00
48 Ryan Leknys 0 2 0.00
48 John Armstrong 0 2 0.00
50 Simon Juraszek 0 1 0.00
50 Dimitri Katsimaglis 0 1 0.00
50 David Wiseman 0 1 0.00
50 Kate Winters 0 1 0.00
End of Season SportyHQ Ratings
# Name End of Season Rating
1 Jaedan lee 1239
2 Alistair McTavish 1174
3 Cameron Neilson 1167
4 Paul Careswell 1151
5 Simon Palamara 1149
6 David Lemon 1143
7 Nathan Tichý 1123
8 Gary Hoare 1117
9 Mark Harrison 1115
10 Frank De Piaz 1109
11 David Wiseman 1100
12 Mark Haese 1095
13 Brendan Turner 1093
14 Stephen Ottanelli 1090
15 John Armstrong 1085
16 Ramon Pathi 1082
17 Jose Hernandez 1081
18 Daniel Mynhart 1076
19 Craig Brooks 1075
20 Paul Bayly 1062
21 Simon Juraszek 1061
22 Paul Blatchford 1053
23 Isuru Sirisinghe 1045
24 Darran Wilson 1043
25 Grant Laidlaw 1038
26 Aaron Kress 1035
27 Damien Wolff 1032
28 Nathan Humphries 1028
29 Adrian Hobbs 1025
30 David White 1017
31 Tony Leak 1008
32 Tim Ewens 1002
33 Angelo Romano 994
34 Danny Mele 992
35 Hayden Anderson 990
36 David Gaetjens 985
36 Matt Tonkin 985
38 Steve Kunze 978
39 Dimitri Katsimaglis 976
40 Kate Winters 975
41 Ralph Bryant 958
42 Ronan O'Brien 945
43 Ben Harmer 934
44 Anthony Milton 931
45 Anton Blencowe 927
46 Malcolm Longhorn 923
47 Vincent McCabe 921
48 John Ricciotti 917
49 Ben Wilkinson 915
50 Frank Aloi 898
51 Ryan Leknys 890
52 bruce robinson 798
53 Cameron McLeod 679
All Star Team
Best lineup with at least 4 matches played.
# Name Win % Wins Losses
1 Jaedan lee 100.00 5 0
2 Stephen Ottanelli 100.00 4 0
3 Damien Wolff 100.00 4 0
4 Ralph Bryant 80.00 4 1
Best Win % When Lower Ranked
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Brendan Turner 2 2 100.00
1 Ben Wilkinson 2 2 100.00
3 Frank Aloi 1 1 100.00
3 Gary Hoare 1 1 100.00
3 Mark Haese 1 1 100.00
3 Simon Palamara 1 1 100.00
3 Aaron Kress 1 1 100.00
3 Ralph Bryant 1 1 100.00
9 bruce robinson 4 5 80.00
9 Paul Careswell 4 5 80.00
11 Stephen Ottanelli 3 4 75.00
12 David Lemon 3 5 60.00
13 Danny Mele 3 6 50.00
13 Nathan Tichý 3 6 50.00
15 Damien Wolff 2 4 50.00
15 Isuru Sirisinghe 2 4 50.00
17 Anton Blencowe 1 2 50.00
18 John Ricciotti 2 5 40.00
19 Matt Tonkin 4 11 36.36
20 Frank De Piaz 2 6 33.33
21 David Gaetjens 1 4 25.00
21 Craig Brooks 1 4 25.00
23 Ramon Pathi 1 5 20.00
24 Angelo Romano 1 6 16.67
24 Jose Hernandez 1 6 16.67
24 Hayden Anderson 1 6 16.67
24 Ben Harmer 1 6 16.67
28 Ronan O'Brien 1 7 14.29
29 Anthony Milton 1 8 12.50
30 Vincent McCabe 7 0.00
31 Tony Leak 6 0.00
32 Darran Wilson 5 0.00
33 Paul Bayly 4 0.00
33 Malcolm Longhorn 4 0.00
35 Ryan Leknys 2 0.00
35 Steve Kunze 2 0.00
35 John Armstrong 2 0.00
38 David White 1 0.00
38 Paul Blatchford 1 0.00
38 David Wiseman 1 0.00
38 Adrian Hobbs 1 0.00
Rating Variations
# Name Start End +/- Change
1 Nathan Humphries 500 1028 528
2 Mark Harrison 600 1115 515
3 Brendan Turner 600 1093 493
4 Stephen Ottanelli 601 1090 489
5 Daniel Mynhart 600 1076 476
6 Grant Laidlaw 600 1038 438
7 Anton Blencowe 600 927 327
8 bruce robinson 500 798 298
9 Frank Aloi 600 898 298
10 Cameron McLeod 500 679 179
11 Kate Winters 884 975 91
12 Matt Tonkin 917 985 68
13 Nathan Tichý 1069 1123 54
14 John Ricciotti 866 917 51
15 Jaedan lee 1192 1239 47
16 Simon Palamara 1119 1149 30
17 David Lemon 1114 1143 29
18 Isuru Sirisinghe 1018 1045 27
19 Ramon Pathi 1055 1082 27
20 Aaron Kress 1009 1035 26
21 Alistair McTavish 1150 1174 24
22 Damien Wolff 1009 1032 23
23 Mark Haese 1073 1095 22
24 Ronan O'Brien 929 945 16
25 Ryan Leknys 875 890 15
26 Ben Harmer 920 934 14
27 Craig Brooks 1061 1075 14
28 Simon Juraszek 1048 1061 13
29 Ben Wilkinson 904 915 11
30 Anthony Milton 921 931 10
31 Danny Mele 982 992 10
32 Ralph Bryant 951 958 7
33 Steve Kunze 971 978 7
34 Angelo Romano 988 994 6
35 John Armstrong 1079 1085 6
36 Darran Wilson 1038 1043 5
37 Frank De Piaz 1106 1109 3
38 Tony Leak 1007 1008 1
39 Hayden Anderson 994 990 -4
40 Paul Careswell 1156 1151 -5
41 Jose Hernandez 1088 1081 -7
42 Dimitri Katsimaglis 985 976 -9
43 Tim Ewens 1016 1002 -14
44 Vincent McCabe 937 921 -16
45 Paul Bayly 1085 1062 -23
46 David Gaetjens 1009 985 -24
47 David White 1043 1017 -26
48 Malcolm Longhorn 949 923 -26
49 Cameron Neilson 1195 1167 -28
50 Gary Hoare 1146 1117 -29
51 Adrian Hobbs 1055 1025 -30
52 Paul Blatchford 1387 1053 -334
53 David Wiseman 1939 1100 -839
Loss Percentages
# Name Lost Played Loss %
1 Vincent McCabe 9 9 100.00
2 Adrian Hobbs 4 4 100.00
3 Ryan Leknys 2 2 100.00
3 John Armstrong 2 2 100.00
5 Simon Juraszek 1 1 100.00
5 Dimitri Katsimaglis 1 1 100.00
5 David Wiseman 1 1 100.00
5 Kate Winters 1 1 100.00
9 Anton Blencowe 8 9 88.89
10 Tony Leak 6 7 85.71
11 Anthony Milton 9 11 81.82
12 Malcolm Longhorn 8 10 80.00
13 Paul Bayly 4 5 80.00
13 Ramon Pathi 4 5 80.00
15 Jose Hernandez 7 9 77.78
16 Craig Brooks 3 4 75.00
17 Darran Wilson 5 7 71.43
17 John Ricciotti 5 7 71.43
19 Steve Kunze 2 3 66.67
20 Hayden Anderson 5 8 62.50
20 Ben Harmer 5 8 62.50
22 Nathan Tichý 6 10 60.00
23 Angelo Romano 7 12 58.33
23 Matt Tonkin 7 12 58.33
25 Ben Wilkinson 4 7 57.14
26 Ronan O'Brien 6 11 54.55
27 David Lemon 6 12 50.00
28 David Gaetjens 5 10 50.00
29 Grant Laidlaw 3 6 50.00
29 Isuru Sirisinghe 3 6 50.00
31 Paul Blatchford 1 2 50.00
32 Frank De Piaz 6 13 46.15
33 Danny Mele 4 9 44.44
34 bruce robinson 4 10 40.00
35 Gary Hoare 4 11 36.36
36 David White 5 14 35.71
37 Cameron Neilson 3 9 33.33
38 Frank Aloi 1 3 33.33
39 Paul Careswell 4 13 30.77
40 Brendan Turner 3 11 27.27
41 Tim Ewens 1 4 25.00
42 Damien Wolff 2 9 22.22
43 Simon Palamara 2 11 18.18
44 Stephen Ottanelli 1 6 16.67
45 Ralph Bryant 1 8 12.50
46 Mark Haese 0 9 0.00
47 Aaron Kress 0 6 0.00
48 Jaedan lee 0 5 0.00
49 Mark Harrison 0 3 0.00
50 Daniel Mynhart 0 2 0.00
50 Nathan Humphries 0 2 0.00
52 Alistair McTavish 0 1 0.00
52 Cameron McLeod 0 1 0.00