Division 4: Division Stats

Win Percentages
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Nicholas Curthoys 14 14 100.00
2 Thomas Sprenger 6 6 100.00
3 Neil Naidu 3 3 100.00
4 Timon Ehret 2 2 100.00
5 Shane Bench 1 1 100.00
5 Tony Mlynarik 1 1 100.00
5 Pita Birch 1 1 100.00
8 Aidan Chappell 15 17 88.24
9 Rob Darlington 12 14 85.71
10 Kerri Kal 11 13 84.62
11 Indigo-Rose Lawson 9 11 81.82
12 Steven I'Anson 13 17 76.47
13 Orla Clarke 6 8 75.00
14 Steve Rushton 3 4 75.00
15 Ewen Henderson 11 15 73.33
16 Mick Jones 11 16 68.75
17 Kym Lynn 9 14 64.29
18 Bruce Harlow 12 19 63.16
19 Tina Turton 8 13 61.54
20 Rodrigo Lostaunau 11 18 61.11
21 James Windisch 15 25 60.00
22 Melissa Eliott 7 12 58.33
23 Jack Nally 8 14 57.14
24 Les O'Brien 4 7 57.14
25 Gary Smith 2 4 50.00
26 Michelle Smith 1 2 50.00
27 Beau Nicholl 7 15 46.67
28 Claudine Kelly 4 9 44.44
28 Anne-Maree Jimmieson 4 9 44.44
30 James Scott 5 13 38.46
31 Jason Hawkes 5 14 35.71
32 Vinay Mishra 2 6 33.33
33 Felicity Baker 4 14 28.57
34 Wayne Reid 3 11 27.27
35 James Fernance 3 12 25.00
36 Graham Carter 2 8 25.00
37 Glenn Daye 3 13 23.08
37 Yanktesh Raju 3 13 23.08
39 Pedro Riveros 1 5 20.00
40 David Dwyer 2 13 15.38
41 Jim Moore 3 20 15.00
42 Liz Saxby 1 9 11.11
43 Giordan Nally 1 12 8.33
44 Willem Botha 1 23 4.35
45 Kyle Blackshaw 0 3 0.00
45 Terry Teh 0 3 0.00
47 Dave Kelly 0 1 0.00
47 Phillip Darnell 0 1 0.00
47 David Dennison 0 1 0.00
47 Melissa Knight 0 1 0.00
End of Season SportyHQ Ratings
# Name End of Season Rating
1 Gary Smith 1082
2 Nicholas Curthoys 1026
3 Steven I'Anson 1016
4 Aidan Chappell 986
5 Pita Birch 978
6 Kyle Blackshaw 954
7 Thomas Sprenger 952
8 Bruce Harlow 947
9 Rob Darlington 943
10 Beau Nicholl 940
11 James Scott 934
12 Glenn Daye 929
13 Felicity Baker 925
14 James Windisch 922
15 Tony Mlynarik 919
16 Phillip Darnell 915
17 Wayne Reid 913
17 Anne-Maree Jimmieson 913
19 Kerri Kal 912
20 Ewen Henderson 909
21 Melissa Eliott 908
22 Jack Nally 903
23 Jason Hawkes 902
24 Tina Turton 897
25 Indigo-Rose Lawson 895
26 Kym Lynn 890
26 Graham Carter 890
28 Vinay Mishra 889
29 Steve Rushton 888
30 Mick Jones 871
31 Neil Naidu 857
32 Willem Botha 850
33 Rodrigo Lostaunau 841
34 Orla Clarke 839
35 Les O'Brien 827
36 Shane Bench 823
37 James Fernance 818
38 David Dwyer 813
39 Giordan Nally 812
40 Claudine Kelly 801
41 Jim Moore 792
42 Liz Saxby 767
43 Yanktesh Raju 765
44 Dave Kelly 760
45 Michelle Smith 754
46 Melissa Knight 732
47 Pedro Riveros 709
48 David Dennison 692
49 Terry Teh 686
50 Timon Ehret 419
All Star Team
Best lineup with at least 4 matches played.
# Name Win % Wins Losses
1 Nicholas Curthoys 100.00 13 0
2 Rob Darlington 91.67 11 1
3 Kerri Kal 87.50 7 1
4 Indigo-Rose Lawson 85.71 6 1
Best Win % When Lower Ranked
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Steve Rushton 2 2 100.00
1 Timon Ehret 2 2 100.00
1 Neil Naidu 2 2 100.00
1 Ewen Henderson 2 2 100.00
1 Nicholas Curthoys 2 2 100.00
6 Shane Bench 1 1 100.00
6 Michelle Smith 1 1 100.00
6 Thomas Sprenger 1 1 100.00
9 Kerri Kal 3 4 75.00
10 Aidan Chappell 2 3 66.67
10 Indigo-Rose Lawson 2 3 66.67
12 Kym Lynn 3 5 60.00
13 Steven I'Anson 2 4 50.00
14 Rob Darlington 1 2 50.00
14 Orla Clarke 1 2 50.00
16 James Windisch 4 9 44.44
17 Rodrigo Lostaunau 3 8 37.50
18 Beau Nicholl 4 12 33.33
19 Jack Nally 2 6 33.33
20 Mick Jones 1 3 33.33
21 Bruce Harlow 2 7 28.57
21 Wayne Reid 2 7 28.57
21 Anne-Maree Jimmieson 2 7 28.57
24 Jason Hawkes 3 12 25.00
25 Yanktesh Raju 2 8 25.00
26 Melissa Eliott 1 4 25.00
26 Claudine Kelly 1 4 25.00
28 Pedro Riveros 1 5 20.00
29 Tina Turton 1 6 16.67
29 James Fernance 1 6 16.67
31 David Dwyer 2 13 15.38
32 Jim Moore 2 15 13.33
33 James Scott 1 8 12.50
34 Willem Botha 1 23 4.35
35 Liz Saxby 7 0.00
36 Glenn Daye 6 0.00
37 Giordan Nally 5 0.00
38 Felicity Baker 4 0.00
39 Terry Teh 3 0.00
40 Les O'Brien 2 0.00
40 Graham Carter 2 0.00
42 Vinay Mishra 1 0.00
42 Dave Kelly 1 0.00
42 David Dennison 1 0.00
42 Melissa Knight 1 0.00
Rating Variations
# Name Start End +/- Change
1 Kyle Blackshaw 500 954 454
2 Giordan Nally 400 812 412
3 Phillip Darnell 600 915 315
4 Jack Nally 600 903 303
5 Nicholas Curthoys 942 1026 84
6 Indigo-Rose Lawson 820 895 75
7 Beau Nicholl 869 940 71
8 Yanktesh Raju 699 765 66
9 Pita Birch 912 978 66
10 Thomas Sprenger 887 952 65
11 Timon Ehret 359 419 60
12 Steven I'Anson 959 1016 57
13 Jason Hawkes 846 902 56
14 Aidan Chappell 937 986 49
15 Neil Naidu 815 857 42
16 James Windisch 885 922 37
17 Rodrigo Lostaunau 804 841 37
18 James Scott 900 934 34
19 Pedro Riveros 680 709 29
20 Anne-Maree Jimmieson 885 913 28
21 Kerri Kal 888 912 24
22 Tony Mlynarik 895 919 24
23 Kym Lynn 871 890 19
24 David Dennison 674 692 18
25 Shane Bench 806 823 17
26 Rob Darlington 929 943 14
27 Willem Botha 841 850 9
28 Melissa Knight 725 732 7
29 Michelle Smith 748 754 6
30 Bruce Harlow 943 947 4
31 Steve Rushton 885 888 3
32 Ewen Henderson 907 909 2
33 Claudine Kelly 799 801 2
34 Orla Clarke 838 839 1
35 Liz Saxby 767 767 0
36 Tina Turton 898 897 -1
37 Terry Teh 694 686 -8
38 Graham Carter 899 890 -9
39 Mick Jones 881 871 -10
40 David Dwyer 824 813 -11
41 Les O'Brien 841 827 -14
42 Wayne Reid 928 913 -15
43 Felicity Baker 942 925 -17
44 Vinay Mishra 907 889 -18
45 Jim Moore 811 792 -19
46 Gary Smith 1102 1082 -20
47 Melissa Eliott 929 908 -21
47 James Fernance 839 818 -21
49 Dave Kelly 788 760 -28
50 Glenn Daye 972 929 -43
Loss Percentages
# Name Lost Played Loss %
1 Kyle Blackshaw 3 3 100.00
1 Terry Teh 3 3 100.00
3 Dave Kelly 1 1 100.00
3 Phillip Darnell 1 1 100.00
3 David Dennison 1 1 100.00
3 Melissa Knight 1 1 100.00
7 Willem Botha 22 23 95.65
8 Giordan Nally 11 12 91.67
9 Liz Saxby 8 9 88.89
10 Jim Moore 17 20 85.00
11 David Dwyer 11 13 84.62
12 Pedro Riveros 4 5 80.00
13 Glenn Daye 10 13 76.92
13 Yanktesh Raju 10 13 76.92
15 James Fernance 9 12 75.00
16 Graham Carter 6 8 75.00
17 Wayne Reid 8 11 72.73
18 Felicity Baker 10 14 71.43
19 Vinay Mishra 4 6 66.67
20 Jason Hawkes 9 14 64.29
21 James Scott 8 13 61.54
22 Claudine Kelly 5 9 55.56
22 Anne-Maree Jimmieson 5 9 55.56
24 Beau Nicholl 8 15 53.33
25 Gary Smith 2 4 50.00
26 Michelle Smith 1 2 50.00
27 Jack Nally 6 14 42.86
28 Les O'Brien 3 7 42.86
29 Melissa Eliott 5 12 41.67
30 James Windisch 10 25 40.00
31 Rodrigo Lostaunau 7 18 38.89
32 Tina Turton 5 13 38.46
33 Bruce Harlow 7 19 36.84
34 Kym Lynn 5 14 35.71
35 Mick Jones 5 16 31.25
36 Ewen Henderson 4 15 26.67
37 Orla Clarke 2 8 25.00
38 Steve Rushton 1 4 25.00
39 Steven I'Anson 4 17 23.53
40 Indigo-Rose Lawson 2 11 18.18
41 Kerri Kal 2 13 15.38
42 Rob Darlington 2 14 14.29
43 Aidan Chappell 2 17 11.76
44 Nicholas Curthoys 0 14 0.00
45 Thomas Sprenger 0 6 0.00
46 Neil Naidu 0 3 0.00
47 Timon Ehret 0 2 0.00
48 Shane Bench 0 1 0.00
48 Tony Mlynarik 0 1 0.00
48 Pita Birch 0 1 0.00