A Grade: Division Stats

Win Percentages
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Sebastian Furman 4 4 100.00
2 Warren Engler 2 2 100.00
3 Matt Birch 1 1 100.00
4 David McGregor 9 10 90.00
5 Siddanth Ramani 6 7 85.71
5 Philip Morey 6 7 85.71
7 Daniel Cerasa 7 9 77.78
8 Taimoor Burki 6 8 75.00
8 Beau Landes 6 8 75.00
10 Itay Harel 5 7 71.43
11 Jason Dutton 6 9 66.67
12 Heshan Piyatissa 4 6 66.67
12 Jefferson Daniel 4 6 66.67
14 Enrico Avesani 2 3 66.67
15 Gerard Pike 5 8 62.50
16 Lance Gallagher 3 5 60.00
16 Pierre Ibrahim 3 5 60.00
18 Abdul Nafay 4 7 57.14
18 Angus Grant 4 7 57.14
20 Lawrence Parsons 4 8 50.00
21 Nick Bailey 2 4 50.00
22 Angus Cameron 1 2 50.00
23 andrew flynn 3 7 42.86
24 Dylan Kunst 2 5 40.00
25 David Cowell 3 8 37.50
25 Sean Williams 3 8 37.50
25 Max Rogers 3 8 37.50
28 Campbell Paterson 2 6 33.33
29 Bejoy Machumpurath 2 7 28.57
30 Siddhartha Iyer 1 4 25.00
30 Simon Maidment 1 4 25.00
32 Liam Barr 1 5 20.00
33 Ben Whitta 1 8 12.50
34 Che Gunatillake 0 5 0.00
34 David Hayes 0 5 0.00
36 Rachael James 0 4 0.00
37 Chris Bellman 0 3 0.00
37 Luke Stella 0 3 0.00
39 Chris Rucinski 0 2 0.00
40 Luke Engler 0 1 0.00
40 Joshua Ebenezer 0 1 0.00
40 Nina Pantelidis 0 1 0.00
40 Maria Rose Kalafatis 0 1 0.00
40 Patrick McArdle 0 1 0.00
40 John Regos 0 1 0.00
40 Vishal Nathoo 0 1 0.00
End of Season SportyHQ Ratings
# Name End of Season Rating
1 Matt Birch 1345
2 Sebastian Furman 1316
3 David McGregor 1315
4 Ben Whitta 1309
5 Taimoor Burki 1308
6 Philip Morey 1295
7 Enrico Avesani 1291
8 Daniel Cerasa 1286
9 Warren Engler 1277
10 Jason Dutton 1252
11 Siddanth Ramani 1251
11 Jefferson Daniel 1251
13 David Cowell 1246
14 Siddhartha Iyer 1244
15 Pierre Ibrahim 1228
16 David Hayes 1223
17 Angus Cameron 1222
17 Campbell Paterson 1222
17 Gerard Pike 1222
20 Simon Maidment 1213
21 Sean Williams 1203
22 Max Rogers 1202
23 Beau Landes 1200
24 Heshan Piyatissa 1189
25 Patrick McArdle 1168
26 Luke Stella 1166
27 Lawrence Parsons 1164
28 Angus Grant 1160
29 andrew flynn 1142
30 Abdul Nafay 1135
31 Lance Gallagher 1133
32 Chris Rucinski 1132
32 John Regos 1132
34 Itay Harel 1127
35 Maria Rose Kalafatis 1085
36 Dylan Kunst 1079
37 Nick Bailey 1073
38 Chris Bellman 1061
39 Che Gunatillake 1060
40 Liam Barr 1026
41 Vishal Nathoo 1000
42 Bejoy Machumpurath 988
43 Rachael James 974
44 Joshua Ebenezer 937
45 Luke Engler 926
46 Nina Pantelidis 617
All Star Team
Best lineup with at least 4 matches played.
# Name Win % Wins Losses
1 Sebastian Furman 100.00 4 0
2 Taimoor Burki 83.33 5 1
3 Itay Harel 71.43 5 2
Best Win % When Lower Ranked
# Name Won Played Win %
1 David McGregor 2 2 100.00
1 Sebastian Furman 2 2 100.00
3 Siddanth Ramani 5 6 83.33
4 Daniel Cerasa 3 5 60.00
4 Angus Grant 3 5 60.00
6 Heshan Piyatissa 2 4 50.00
6 Pierre Ibrahim 2 4 50.00
8 Jason Dutton 1 2 50.00
9 andrew flynn 2 6 33.33
10 Nick Bailey 1 3 33.33
11 Bejoy Machumpurath 2 7 28.57
11 Max Rogers 2 7 28.57
13 Abdul Nafay 1 4 25.00
13 Siddhartha Iyer 1 4 25.00
13 Sean Williams 1 4 25.00
16 David Cowell 1 5 20.00
17 Che Gunatillake 5 0.00
18 Liam Barr 4 0.00
18 David Hayes 4 0.00
20 Campbell Paterson 3 0.00
20 Dylan Kunst 3 0.00
20 Luke Stella 3 0.00
20 Gerard Pike 3 0.00
20 Rachael James 3 0.00
25 Lawrence Parsons 2 0.00
25 Chris Bellman 2 0.00
25 Lance Gallagher 2 0.00
25 Jefferson Daniel 2 0.00
25 Simon Maidment 2 0.00
30 Luke Engler 1 0.00
30 Joshua Ebenezer 1 0.00
30 Nina Pantelidis 1 0.00
30 Itay Harel 1 0.00
30 Maria Rose Kalafatis 1 0.00
30 Patrick McArdle 1 0.00
30 Vishal Nathoo 1 0.00
30 Angus Cameron 1 0.00
Rating Variations
# Name Start End +/- Change
1 Siddanth Ramani 1010 1251 241
2 Pierre Ibrahim 1060 1228 168
3 Vishal Nathoo 884 1000 116
4 Max Rogers 1137 1202 65
5 Joshua Ebenezer 873 937 64
6 Heshan Piyatissa 1143 1189 46
7 Bejoy Machumpurath 943 988 45
8 David McGregor 1276 1315 39
9 Daniel Cerasa 1249 1286 37
10 Angus Grant 1123 1160 37
11 Nick Bailey 1036 1073 37
12 Sebastian Furman 1280 1316 36
13 Abdul Nafay 1100 1135 35
14 andrew flynn 1115 1142 27
15 Sean Williams 1180 1203 23
16 David Cowell 1235 1246 11
17 Che Gunatillake 1049 1060 11
18 Simon Maidment 1203 1213 10
19 Gerard Pike 1213 1222 9
20 Jefferson Daniel 1242 1251 9
21 Luke Engler 921 926 5
22 Dylan Kunst 1076 1079 3
23 Maria Rose Kalafatis 1082 1085 3
24 Siddhartha Iyer 1242 1244 2
25 Warren Engler 1275 1277 2
26 Luke Stella 1165 1166 1
27 Liam Barr 1026 1026 0
28 Nina Pantelidis 617 617 0
29 Lance Gallagher 1135 1133 -2
30 Jason Dutton 1255 1252 -3
31 Matt Birch 1348 1345 -3
32 Rachael James 981 974 -7
33 Philip Morey 1303 1295 -8
34 Enrico Avesani 1299 1291 -8
35 Itay Harel 1136 1127 -9
36 Campbell Paterson 1231 1222 -9
37 Angus Cameron 1231 1222 -9
38 John Regos 1142 1132 -10
39 Taimoor Burki 1324 1308 -16
40 Chris Bellman 1077 1061 -16
41 Patrick McArdle 1184 1168 -16
42 Beau Landes 1219 1200 -19
43 Lawrence Parsons 1188 1164 -24
44 Chris Rucinski 1169 1132 -37
45 David Hayes 1264 1223 -41
46 Ben Whitta 1374 1309 -65
Loss Percentages
# Name Lost Played Loss %
1 Che Gunatillake 5 5 100.00
1 David Hayes 5 5 100.00
3 Rachael James 4 4 100.00
4 Chris Bellman 3 3 100.00
4 Luke Stella 3 3 100.00
6 Chris Rucinski 2 2 100.00
7 Luke Engler 1 1 100.00
7 Joshua Ebenezer 1 1 100.00
7 Nina Pantelidis 1 1 100.00
7 Maria Rose Kalafatis 1 1 100.00
7 Patrick McArdle 1 1 100.00
7 John Regos 1 1 100.00
7 Vishal Nathoo 1 1 100.00
14 Ben Whitta 7 8 87.50
15 Liam Barr 4 5 80.00
16 Siddhartha Iyer 3 4 75.00
16 Simon Maidment 3 4 75.00
18 Bejoy Machumpurath 5 7 71.43
19 Campbell Paterson 4 6 66.67
20 David Cowell 5 8 62.50
20 Sean Williams 5 8 62.50
20 Max Rogers 5 8 62.50
23 Dylan Kunst 3 5 60.00
24 andrew flynn 4 7 57.14
25 Lawrence Parsons 4 8 50.00
26 Nick Bailey 2 4 50.00
27 Angus Cameron 1 2 50.00
28 Abdul Nafay 3 7 42.86
28 Angus Grant 3 7 42.86
30 Lance Gallagher 2 5 40.00
30 Pierre Ibrahim 2 5 40.00
32 Gerard Pike 3 8 37.50
33 Jason Dutton 3 9 33.33
34 Heshan Piyatissa 2 6 33.33
34 Jefferson Daniel 2 6 33.33
36 Enrico Avesani 1 3 33.33
37 Itay Harel 2 7 28.57
38 Taimoor Burki 2 8 25.00
38 Beau Landes 2 8 25.00
40 Daniel Cerasa 2 9 22.22
41 Siddanth Ramani 1 7 14.29
41 Philip Morey 1 7 14.29
43 David McGregor 1 10 10.00
44 Sebastian Furman 0 4 0.00
45 Warren Engler 0 2 0.00
46 Matt Birch 0 1 0.00