Division 1: Division Stats

Win Percentages
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Adam Humphrey 6 6 100.00
2 John Williams 2 2 100.00
2 Gyanendra Singh 2 2 100.00
4 Trevor Mead-Robins 1 1 100.00
5 Kevin Smit 6 7 85.71
6 Jeremy Kovac 5 6 83.33
6 Stephen Buckler 5 6 83.33
8 Nikhil Sharma 3 4 75.00
8 Coleman Newell 3 4 75.00
10 Jordan Barker 5 7 71.43
11 Alex Jobin 4 6 66.67
11 Kevin Daffe 4 6 66.67
11 Jasper Martin 4 6 66.67
14 Grayson Peters 2 3 66.67
14 Jeff Muirhead 2 3 66.67
14 Zale Apramian 2 3 66.67
14 Lia Johnson 2 3 66.67
18 Andy Brown 3 5 60.00
19 Arthur Ferguson 4 7 57.14
20 Sam Penner 3 6 50.00
20 Rannon Johnson 3 6 50.00
22 Paul Dainton 2 4 50.00
22 Terri Cairns 2 4 50.00
22 Stephan Burdess 2 4 50.00
25 Jon Weller 1 2 50.00
25 Ehsan Idrees 1 2 50.00
27 Gurmaan Rai 3 7 42.86
28 Stuart Macmillan 2 5 40.00
28 Justin Johnston 2 5 40.00
30 Slav Bienko 2 6 33.33
30 Kamran Idrees 2 6 33.33
30 Michael Roberts 2 6 33.33
33 Emilie Herdes 1 3 33.33
34 Carly Bohman 2 7 28.57
35 Charles Gagne 1 4 25.00
35 Ivan Johnson 1 4 25.00
37 Kynan McIntyre 1 5 20.00
38 Glenn Rudman 1 7 14.29
39 Alex Boucher 0 6 0.00
40 Dylan Letang 0 4 0.00
41 Peter Mather 0 2 0.00
42 Todd Mahon 0 1 0.00
42 Colin Schut 0 1 0.00
42 Will Chetcuti 0 1 0.00
42 Thomas Mills 0 1 0.00
42 Brian Pehora 0 1 0.00
42 Jeremy Harper 0 1 0.00
End of Season SportyHQ Ratings
# Name End of Season Rating
1 Jordan Barker 1664
2 Gyanendra Singh 1561
3 Jeff Muirhead 1507
4 Zale Apramian 1295
5 Sam Penner 1244
6 Grayson Peters 1235
7 Stephen Buckler 1230
8 Todd Mahon 1217
9 Stuart Macmillan 1213
10 Justin Johnston 1208
11 Ehsan Idrees 1200
12 Kevin Daffe 1198
13 Peter Mather 1173
14 Paul Dainton 1166
15 Lia Johnson 1162
16 Stephan Burdess 1148
17 Will Chetcuti 1143
18 Rannon Johnson 1135
19 Ivan Johnson 1127
20 Kevin Smit 1120
21 Alex Jobin 1092
22 Dylan Letang 1083
23 Jeremy Kovac 1075
24 Michael Roberts 1065
25 Kamran Idrees 1054
26 Carly Bohman 1015
27 Glenn Rudman 1004
28 Terri Cairns 997
29 Jasper Martin 996
30 Adam Humphrey 973
31 John Williams 963
32 Coleman Newell 936
33 Alex Boucher 935
34 Emilie Herdes 925
35 Nikhil Sharma 910
36 Andy Brown 898
37 Gurmaan Rai 874
38 Trevor Mead-Robins 840
39 Colin Schut 818
40 Brian Pehora 778
41 Charles Gagne 720
42 Kynan McIntyre 717
43 Arthur Ferguson 710
44 Jon Weller 705
45 Thomas Mills 587
46 Slav Bienko 570
47 Jeremy Harper 567
All Star Team
Best lineup with at least 4 matches played.
# Name Win % Wins Losses
1 Jordan Barker 71.43 5 2
3 Kevin Smit 83.33 5 1
4 Jeremy Kovac 83.33 5 1
5 Adam Humphrey 100.00 6 0
2 Stephen Buckler 83.33 5 1
Best Win % When Lower Ranked
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Coleman Newell 2 2 100.00
2 Jasper Martin 2 3 66.67
3 Alex Jobin 3 5 60.00
4 Arthur Ferguson 3 6 50.00
5 Rannon Johnson 2 4 50.00
6 Jeremy Kovac 1 2 50.00
6 Zale Apramian 1 2 50.00
6 Nikhil Sharma 1 2 50.00
6 Paul Dainton 1 2 50.00
10 Carly Bohman 2 5 40.00
11 Slav Bienko 2 6 33.33
11 Michael Roberts 2 6 33.33
13 Stephan Burdess 1 3 33.33
13 Emilie Herdes 1 3 33.33
15 Justin Johnston 1 4 25.00
16 Alex Boucher 5 0.00
17 Dylan Letang 4 0.00
17 Glenn Rudman 4 0.00
17 Kynan McIntyre 4 0.00
20 Gurmaan Rai 3 0.00
20 Sam Penner 3 0.00
22 Terri Cairns 2 0.00
22 Peter Mather 2 0.00
22 Charles Gagne 2 0.00
22 Ivan Johnson 2 0.00
26 Lia Johnson 1 0.00
26 Kamran Idrees 1 0.00
26 Grayson Peters 1 0.00
26 Kevin Daffe 1 0.00
26 Colin Schut 1 0.00
26 Ehsan Idrees 1 0.00
26 Jeff Muirhead 1 0.00
26 Andy Brown 1 0.00
26 Thomas Mills 1 0.00
26 Brian Pehora 1 0.00
Rating Variations
# Name Start End +/- Change
1 Thomas Mills 383 587 204
2 Arthur Ferguson 521 710 189
3 Slav Bienko 461 570 109
4 Jon Weller 600 705 105
5 Emilie Herdes 856 925 69
6 Jeremy Harper 500 567 67
7 Alex Jobin 1026 1092 66
8 Jasper Martin 956 996 40
9 Michael Roberts 1026 1065 39
10 Nikhil Sharma 875 910 35
10 Stephan Burdess 1113 1148 35
12 Jeremy Kovac 1044 1075 31
13 Zale Apramian 1264 1295 31
14 Colin Schut 788 818 30
15 Justin Johnston 1180 1208 28
16 Stephen Buckler 1205 1230 25
17 Rannon Johnson 1116 1135 19
18 Brian Pehora 762 778 16
19 Sam Penner 1231 1244 13
20 Peter Mather 1163 1173 10
21 Coleman Newell 927 936 9
22 Carly Bohman 1011 1015 4
23 Terri Cairns 993 997 4
24 Grayson Peters 1231 1235 4
25 Dylan Letang 1080 1083 3
26 John Williams 961 963 2
27 Adam Humphrey 972 973 1
28 Charles Gagne 719 720 1
29 Gyanendra Singh 1560 1561 1
30 Kynan McIntyre 718 717 -1
31 Jeff Muirhead 1508 1507 -1
31 Lia Johnson 1163 1162 -1
33 Ehsan Idrees 1201 1200 -1
34 Gurmaan Rai 876 874 -2
35 Andy Brown 900 898 -2
36 Paul Dainton 1168 1166 -2
37 Trevor Mead-Robins 844 840 -4
38 Alex Boucher 944 935 -9
39 Kevin Daffe 1208 1198 -10
40 Will Chetcuti 1153 1143 -10
41 Ivan Johnson 1138 1127 -11
42 Kamran Idrees 1067 1054 -13
43 Glenn Rudman 1018 1004 -14
44 Kevin Smit 1136 1120 -16
45 Jordan Barker 1684 1664 -20
46 Todd Mahon 1237 1217 -20
47 Stuart Macmillan 1263 1213 -50
Loss Percentages
# Name Lost Played Loss %
1 Alex Boucher 6 6 100.00
2 Dylan Letang 4 4 100.00
3 Peter Mather 2 2 100.00
4 Todd Mahon 1 1 100.00
4 Colin Schut 1 1 100.00
4 Will Chetcuti 1 1 100.00
4 Thomas Mills 1 1 100.00
4 Brian Pehora 1 1 100.00
4 Jeremy Harper 1 1 100.00
10 Glenn Rudman 6 7 85.71
11 Kynan McIntyre 4 5 80.00
12 Charles Gagne 3 4 75.00
12 Ivan Johnson 3 4 75.00
14 Carly Bohman 5 7 71.43
15 Slav Bienko 4 6 66.67
15 Kamran Idrees 4 6 66.67
15 Michael Roberts 4 6 66.67
18 Emilie Herdes 2 3 66.67
19 Stuart Macmillan 3 5 60.00
19 Justin Johnston 3 5 60.00
21 Gurmaan Rai 4 7 57.14
22 Sam Penner 3 6 50.00
22 Rannon Johnson 3 6 50.00
24 Paul Dainton 2 4 50.00
24 Terri Cairns 2 4 50.00
24 Stephan Burdess 2 4 50.00
27 Jon Weller 1 2 50.00
27 Ehsan Idrees 1 2 50.00
29 Arthur Ferguson 3 7 42.86
30 Andy Brown 2 5 40.00
31 Alex Jobin 2 6 33.33
31 Kevin Daffe 2 6 33.33
31 Jasper Martin 2 6 33.33
34 Grayson Peters 1 3 33.33
34 Jeff Muirhead 1 3 33.33
34 Zale Apramian 1 3 33.33
34 Lia Johnson 1 3 33.33
38 Jordan Barker 2 7 28.57
39 Nikhil Sharma 1 4 25.00
39 Coleman Newell 1 4 25.00
41 Jeremy Kovac 1 6 16.67
41 Stephen Buckler 1 6 16.67
43 Kevin Smit 1 7 14.29
44 Adam Humphrey 0 6 0.00
45 John Williams 0 2 0.00
45 Gyanendra Singh 0 2 0.00
47 Trevor Mead-Robins 0 1 0.00